5 Good Reasons Crying Can be Healthy

Uswa Maryam
3 min readSep 23, 2021

What do you do when your loved ones cry in front of you? Well, please don’t stop them if you’re going to. And believe me, you’re not evil for letting them cry a flood of tears because that flood might wash away all their worries. Surprisingly, many research articles suggest that suppressing your tears will ultimately lead to negative consequences regarding your health and well-being.

Here are five benefits that crying may serve for your health.

1. Mood & Stress Regulation:

When you’re crying, it seems to be taking a toll on your existence at that moment. However, research published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology suggests that crying elevates the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system. It assists in alleviating stress levels.

Emotional tears contain quantities of adrenaline, oxytocin, serotonin, manganese, etc., to help control mood swings. All these feel-good hormones make you feel lighter after a good cry. Yeah, I told you, crying is good.

2. Protection of Eyes:

Tears act as a natural eye moisturizer and protect eyes from dehydration. It declines the chances of dry eyes syndrome as well. The chemical composition of basal tears washes out the bacterial debris from the eyes and keeps them safe from infection.

The aqueous layer of tears also has the properties for healing damage. So, the next time you’re worried after crying your eyes out, remember the tears didn’t go to waste.

3. Blood Pressure Management:

The problems related to blood pressure have severe health damages like heart failure, metabolic diseases, thickening of arteries, dementia, etc. But the good news is a good cry can mitigate the chances of these diseases.

According to a research study, crying not only cuts down the levels of your blood pressure but also stabilizes the pulse rate.

4. Natural Detoxification:

If you keep bottling up your emotions, they pile up and lead to severe mental health problems. The accumulation of toxins during emotional stress is customary, but a good cry can get rid of them. It curtails anxiety or stress levels.

Research published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology claims that crying detoxifies our system of stress-inducing hormones, specifically the adrenocorticotropic hormone (a usual stress indicator).

5. Immunity Booster:

Crying releases foreign substances from the body due to a specific substance called lysozyme. It prevents microbial invasion that helps boost immune functions.

Keeping in view all these health benefits that a good cry may present you with, it wouldn’t be mean to say that It’s not useless to cry (over spilt milk) after all.

Final Verdict:

As they say, excess of everything is bad for you. A good cry may provide multiple health benefits, whereas frequent crying may indicate that you need immediate medical help. It’s essential to keep track of your emotional well-being along with your physical health to relish life and the joys within it to the fullest.

